Project Description

The purpose of the MITS supplement is to provide administrative support to additional incentive grantees, as well as to support the materials costs for those kits. The supplement also includes funds to support a training center hub, technical support to grantees, a costing study, machine learning to facilitate Cause of Death classification, and additional funding to support more attendees at the annual meeting. This supplement also includes the previously submitted proposal for the Ethiopia Butajra Project. The purpose of that project is to determine cause of death of preterm and term infants at the community level using minimally invasive tissue sampling (MITS) conducted by non-pathologists through a process of task shifting/task sharing in Ethiopia. The availability of data on causes of mortality or stillbirth could facilitate development of a holistic approach to the preventive and curative care of infants in low resource settings, planning and ensuring clinical skills for managing 

Project Partners
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Project Open