Project Description

The longer lifespan of HIV-positive persons receiving highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) and the side effects of HAART therapy have created the need for research into new or modified manifestations of HIV infection and AIDS and clinical outcomes in patients on long-term HAART treatment. Moreover, responses to HAART and its toxic effects, lipodystrophy, cardiovascular disease, neuropsychiatric complications, may be affected by gender and race. So, to initiate this necessary research RTI led the Central African regional data center (Region 9). In this role RTI was responsible for various study activities including: (1) identification of critical HIV/AIDS-related questions or interest in the region that cannot be answered by one site alone; (2) training on data collection, processing, and cleaning to ensure quality data was collected at the local sites; (3) assistance to research units in order to obtain institutional review board (IRB) approval at their institutions; and (4) development of AIDS-related cancer research activities, including the development of an active surveillance system in Cameroon and improved cervical cancer screening in Rwanda.

Project Partners
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease
Project Open