Advancing Women's Health in a Changing Political Environment

October 20, 2017

Trent Semans Center for Health Education Great Hall, Durham, North Carolina


Tasseli McKay will be a panelist during Duke University's Global Health Institute's Women's Healthy Symposium: "Advancing Women's Health in a Changing Political Environment." McKay, a social science researcher in RTI's Center for Justice, Safety & Resilience, will participate in a panel discussion on adolescents, HIV, sexual gender minorities and health care access.

The symposium, which is being held Friday, October 20, brings together women's health and policy experts from across the nation to create conversations around women's health research and ensuring access to care.



Tasseli McKay


Family relationships during incarceration and reentry from prison

Intimate partner violence among marginalized populations

Health coverage and access to care for justice-involved persons