Global Network for Women’s and Children’s Health

The Global Network for Women’s and Children’s Health Research brings scientists from developing countries together with their U.S. peers to focus on improving birth practices to decrease maternal and child mortality.

RTI experts helped the Global Network establish its Maternal Newborn Health Registry (MNHR), as a tool to assist the accurate reporting of births, stillbirths, neonatal deaths, and maternal mortality in resource-poor countries.

The registry is the only database of pregnancy and pregnancy-related outcomes of its magnitude in low-income countries. As of June 2016, more than half of a million patients have been enrolled in the MNHR, with delivery outcomes reported for 98.9 percent of women who were enrolled. Researchers use the data to fully understand the prevalence of adverse outcomes and to plan for future studies of maternal and newborn health.

RTI also serves as the data coordinating center for all research conducted in the Global Network’s study sites and provides the scientific and operational resources to maximize the Global Network’s public health impact.

Since the Global Network’s creation, more than 200 publications have come out of the data analyzed by our data coordinating center. These publications contribute to the body of scientific knowledge, informing future research and supporting the work of policymakers and practitioners to safeguard the lives of mothers and children.