Dr. Stacey Cutbush is as a social scientist in RTI’s Center for Community Safety and Crime Prevention, where she serves as the co-director of the Violence and Victimization program. She is currently the principal investigator for the Measuring Outcomes in Services to Domestic Victims of Human Trafficking: Instrument Development and Testing project. This NIJ-funded grant study involves creating an instrument to describe human trafficking client status in several domains relevant to key human trafficking program outcomes and assessing the instrument’s validity and ability to detect change over time. She also serves as the Co-Principal Investigator for the Measuring the Impact of Victim Services: Developing the Victim Outcome and Satisfaction Survey Instrument and Platform project. This OVC-funded project has a goal to develop and validate trauma-informed, low-burden Victims Outcomes and Satisfaction Survey instrument that measures victim perceptions of the quality of services and the extent to which services and referrals addresses their needs.

Dr. Cutbush also lends her expertise to the Improving Outcomes for Child and Youth Victims of Human Trafficking project as the Associate Project Director, and the Assessment of National and State Tip Line Technology as a Strategy for Identifying Threats to School Safety study as the Task Lead of the Oregon Implementation Evaluation. She is an expert in process and outcome evaluation design, quantitative and qualitative instrument development, and cognitive interviewing. Prior to joining RTI, she served as a public high school English teacher.

Dr. Cutbush currently holds an Adjunct Assistant Professor appointment at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s School of Public Health and is a member of the American Public Health Association and the American Society of Criminology.