Elizabeth Randolph, PhD, is a senior education research analyst. She has 26 years of experience in applied research and statistics in the education and health fields, 23 of which have been in developing countries. She works within our  International Development Group:  International Education and is based in Capetown, South Africa. Her work giving voice and agency to women and girls in African countries, supporting integrated first response to sexual violence and building curriculum for prevention of gendered violence in schools, make her an integral part of RTI's Global Gender Center.



Dr. Randolph’s experience in international health and education has focused on response and prevention of gender-based violence, with a recent focus on program development and measurement of school-related gender-based violence. In addition, she has experience in  institutional strengthening, capacity development and strategic information management. Dr. Randolph has been a key part of the work in Malawi, Ghana, Uganda, and Ethiopia.